Every time you walk into the room and your husband is on the computer, he fast minimizes the screen and he has a totally guilty look on his face. Now, you think to yourself, "I want to know how to find out what websites my husband is visiting."
Does your husband use the computer late at night when he is supposed to be in bed? Have you ever wondered what could be so foremost that he has to use the computer at 4 in the morning? You probably said to yourself at that point, I want to find out what websites my husband is visiting.
Wait for a time when your husband is not at home, when you can have uninterrupted access to the computer that he is using. Load your internet browser, and go into the history tab. This will show you all the websites that have been visited recently, and depending on the settings, it can go back up to a year previous.
What if the history has been deleted, I want to know how to find out what websites my husband is visiting!
If you find that the history has been deleted, you may be able to recover it. Corollary these steps: Click on start, Click on "help and support", Click on "System restore" (bottom right hand corner), Click on next, elect the Date which you want to restore your computer to and click on next. This should restore your data along with deleted history. Internet explorer all the time shop all things along with history under a file called "index.dat". Firefox does not.
What if I can't make this work, I want to know how to find out what websites my husband is visiting!
If this does not work for you, other method how to find out what websites my husband is visiting is to install a key logger program. This type of schedule runs in the background and cannot be detected unless someone specifically knows where to look for it. This records data such as passwords and websites visited and can even article screen shots. All of this information is generally emailed to you, so make sure you have a web based email catalogue where you can receive this information, you don't want your husband to find out you are holding track of him.
If you are still not able to find out what websites he is visiting, you can get any amount of other programs and install them on your home computer. These will give you more detail and contribute you with every detail imaginable. If it is evidence you are seeing for, you can print off the reports and then confront him with them. See if he has an explanation at that point. Many men do not believe that surfing the net and chatting with other women is cheating. The truth is that giving your time to someone other than your wife is a breach of trust and an emotional affair can be one hundred times worse than a quick corporeal one.
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