If you are seeing for a way to fully uninstall and remove Windows Genuine advantage (Wga) then you've come to the right place. I will give you a step by step Windows Genuine advantage extraction plan that you can use immediately.
Also, if you de facto don't understand any of this then don't worry, on the bottom of this article I will place a link that will lead to an uninstall software that works 100% automatically.
How To Delete Files That Are Undeletable Windpws 7
How To Remove Windows Genuine advantage Notification
1) Go to the Start Menu tab and click on Run.
2) Once Run has been opened, type in system32 and click on ok. Once processed, go to Tools and then go to portfolio Options and hit the View button.
3) Click on Check which is beside "Hide extensions for known file types". This way, you can uncheck.
4) Now you've got to find WgaLogon.dll and you have to rename it with someone else extension. To do this, you should add a "1" after WgaLogon. If a warning pops up for changing the name, click on yes.
5) Now you've got to find and delete the WgaTray.exe file that's in the System32. Once the file has been deleted, go straight to the "Processes" tab and feature WgaTray.exe and click on "End Process".
6) Go back to System32 and delete the WgaLogon.dll application. Then you got to convert the name back to the primary name.
This is exactly how you should remove Windows Genuine Advantage. However, these steps might be hard to follow, right? This can either be because you plainly don't get it, or you aren't de facto a technical person.
If for any theorize you don't know how to remove Windows Genuine advantage by following the steps above then don't worry, because I've discovered the perfect Windows Genuine advantage extraction tool that fully automates the process. It's called the perfect uninstaller.
This software will help you to uninstall and remove Windows Genuine advantage Highlights by doing 3 things. Firstly, the uninstaller uninstalls the program. Once that has been concluded it will fully scan your registry and your hard-drive to find any files that are associated to the program.
How to Uninstall and remove Windows Genuine benefit (Wga)